

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the Cat Canteen provides players with various additional skills that enhance gameplay. This guide showcases the ingredients needed in the game. Please refer to the following information provided by "AAAA123123" for tips on obtaining the additional and seasoning ingredients. We hope this is helpful!

Ingredient Overview

The following are the additional ingredients available in Monster Hunter Wilds:

Additional Ingredients

名稱 技能名稱 技能效果 取得來源
庫納法起司 餐點防禦術【小】 低機率減少角色受到的傷害 以物易物
濃郁庫納法起司 餐點防禦術【大】 高機率減少角色受到的傷害 以物易物
Monster Hunter Wilds Guide Image

Ingredients and Their Effects

Salivating Mushroom - Meal Skill [Small]: Reduces stamina consumption for certain actions (like dodging). Can be obtained through bartering or as gifts from the Orc tribe.

Feast Mushroom - Meal Skill [Large]: Significantly reduces stamina consumption for certain actions (like dodging). Can be obtained through bartering.

Sludge Shrimp - Meal Evasion Skill [Small]: Slightly extends invincibility time when dodging. Can be obtained through bartering.

Sludge Shrimp King - Meal Evasion Skill [Large]: Extends invincibility time when dodging. Can be obtained through bartering.

Soft Egg - Meal Evasion Skill [Small]: Increases attack power for a certain amount of time, with effects repeating at random intervals. Can be obtained through bartering.

Cotton Egg - Meal Evasion Skill [Large]: Greatly increases attack power for a certain amount of time, with effects repeating at random intervals. Can be obtained through bartering.

Hild Garlic - Meal Endurance Skill [Small]: When health is above a certain level, you will not be knocked out even if taking more damage than health allows (limited to once per quest). Can be obtained through bartering.

Special Garlic of Hild

Meal Stamina 【Large】 helps you maintain stamina even when sustaining damage beyond your stamina limit, allowing you to recover health (only once per mission). This can be obtained through trading.

Among the gifts left by the Orcs during the harvest period in the Scarlet Forest, you can see them active on the map, occasionally leaving items that you can collect. Most trade items require special products in exchange, which will be expanded upon further down.

Seasoning Ingredients

名稱 技能名稱 技能效果 取得來源
狂野香草 餐點免疫術 減輕各種狀態異常的影響 以物易物、藥草類採集(活躍)
東方蜂蜜 餐點醫療術 增加體力回覆時的回覆量 大回復蜜蟲、回覆蜜蟲、蜂蜜(活躍)、以物易物
魔物辣椒 餐點發熱術 身處炎熱或寒冷區域時防禦力上升,且不受環境氣溫影響 以物易物

Essential Ingredients for Your Culinary Adventures in Monster Hunter Wilds

Jewelled Egg Fish - Boosts attack power while wet. Obtain through trading or by catching it.

Wild Seed Oil - Enhances performance in causing status effects. Obtain through trading or active collection of seeds.

Peach Feline King Truffle - Increases the gathering amount from bone piles, mining spots, and consumable herb items. Obtain from Peach Feline Kings, Pudding Pigs, or trading.

Gathering Mechanics

Active collecting points may shine, especially during bountiful harvest periods, but it’s not certain that this occurs only during those times. Common herbs include: herbs and frostbloom herbs. The seeds category includes persistence seeds and removal fruits, though they are not guaranteed to appear and have a relatively high probability.

Biological Capture Mechanics

Eastern Honey is a relatively easy-to-produce ingredient. The big healing honeybug can yield 4 units just by using the in-map location. You can catch another 4 before it flies away. Enjoy honey in every meal! Ordinary healing honeybugs occasionally yield 2 units only; personally, I feel this probability isn't very high.


Discovering Gemmed Fish and More in Monster Hunter Wilds

The Gemmed Fugu, known for its roe, is the fish you need to catch for the fishing side quest. Since this isn't a dedicated fishing quest, you can directly net the fish. Every catch will yield about three fish. According to NPCs, the best time to catch these is during sunrise and sunset, so keep an eye out for them along your journey.

Other Finds

Occasionally, you can find Peach Fur Beast Truffles after destroying the wounds during an Elder Dragon hunt. These can also be obtained after playing with the Pudge Pig.

Special Products

Region Special Product
天塹沙原 ☆月下美人:一夜花的月華粉
緋紅森林 ☆月下美人:一夜花的月華粉
湧油山谷 骸晶化礦物:銻石、優質銻石(活躍)
冰霧斷崖 古代遺物:龍鱗裝飾壺、逆鱗裝飾壺(活躍)
龍都遺蹟 黝黑骨化石:古老化石骨

Essential Materials in Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, gathering the right materials is crucial for crafting and upgrades. Here are some important items you'll need for your adventures:

材料 細節
天塹蘆薈 天塹蘆薈、優質天塹蘆薈(活躍)
女皇大花 女皇花的蠱惑粉
骸晶化巨大礦物 銻巖
壯觀古代遺物 金色龍鱗重飾大壺
神祕水果 龍都鬼燈、成熟龍都鬼燈(活躍)
珍寶天塹蘆薈 珍寶天塹蘆薈
蟲珀 緋琥珀碎片、優質緋琥珀(活躍)
黃金油 黃金油
風鋏龍的褪殼 風鋏龍的褪殼
繭纖維 乳白繭絲
蒼雷晶結晶 蒼雷晶碎片、優質蒼雷晶(活躍)
巨大琥珀 悠久的大緋琥珀
乳白色玉石 龍儒小石、龍儒球石(活躍)
美麗化石 化石蛋白石、豔色化石蛋白石(活躍)

Collect these essential materials to enhance your gameplay experience in Monster Hunter Wilds!

Village Treasures and Ancient Fossils

In Monster Hunter Wilds, gathering the right resources is crucial for your survival and progress in the game. Here's a look at some of the essential treasures and ancient fossils you'll encounter on your adventures.

Valuable Resources

Giant Thunder Crystal: Roaring Thunder Crystal

Ancient Treasures: Sparkling Treasures, Shiny Treasures (active)

Beautiful Fossils: Fossil Opal, Colorful Fossil Opal (active)

Magnificent Fossils: Genesis Opal

Bright White Gem: Origin Dragon Ball

Plant Resources

Sand Pepper Fruit: Sand Pepper Fruit, Premium Sand Pepper Fruit (active)

Heavy Treasures: Weighty Treasure

Beautiful Fossils: Fossil Opal, Colorful Fossil Opal (active)

Special Resources

Goblet Algae: Goblet Algae, Toast Algae (active)

Dark Bone Fossils: Ancient Bone Fossils

Unique Resources

Magnificent Fossils: Genesis Opal

Beautiful Aquatic Life: Flowing Sea Tunicates, Royal Sea Tunicates (active)

Beautiful Aquatic Life: Flowing Sea Tunicates, Royal Sea Tunicates (active)


Milk White Jade: Dragon Stone and Dragon Sphere (Active)

☆Milk White Crystalline Block: Ancient Dragon Sphere
Old Dragon Sculpture Currency
There will be a time displayed in the environmental overview when these appear. Remember that items marked with ☆ can be particularly valuable!

Night Flower’s Moonlight Powder

This can spawn at night in the Abyssal Sand Plains and Crimson Forest. It is uncertain if it requires a harvest period, but I have always seen it during one.

Queen Flower’s Bewitching Powder

This has a chance to spawn in the Crimson Forest and appears to be more common than Night Flower.

Ancient Dragon Sphere

A fixed milk-white crystalline block appears in the Abyssal Sand Plains. You can swap zones repeatedly to farm it continuously.

Origin Dragon Sphere

Two radiant white jade stones can be found in the Dragon City Ruins during a non-dragon tranquility period (harvest time for Dragon City). Swapping maps will allow you to farm them repeatedly.

Special Notes

Winter Dragon Summer Grass: Others have researched efficient farming methods on the board. Simply put, defeat the dragon and wait for 5 minutes for the chance of Winter Dragon Summer Grass to grow before harvesting. If interested, feel free to search for related articles.


Old Dragon Coins

The Old Dragon Coins can occasionally be spotted underwater in the Crimson Forest. They can also be obtained when capturing the rare environmental creature, the Ancient Cup Crab. The Ancient Cup Crab appears in all five maps, and when it appears, Alma will give a reminder. Other than that, as mentioned earlier, collecting is one thing, but its active state is another aspect, which is not very common.


In summary, there is a need for regular replenishment. Special ingredients must also be continuously gathered, and active collection points are not often seen. The villagers may not always have the desired items for trade. Besides the skill gained from food ingredients, the skills gained from the other two dishes are still random. It’s unfortunate that we can't see what random effects we got this time, just like we could in the World version, as it's all left to chance.

Given these various troublesome factors, it’s better for everyone to become the “dining hunters” by mooching off NPCs. If you're keen on cooking for yourself, just look at what additional ingredients are available and what can be eaten, and maybe consider sweet nectar as a seasoning!

👉 For more information, please see:Monster Hunter Wilds General Strategy